Jolly Phonics 英語拼音班

Jolly Phonics 英語拼音班


Jolly Phonics 專為學童設計的拼音教學系統,以生動有趣的方式學習拼音。課程透過多元智能的教學活動,如聽音訓練、發音練習、串字練習、唱遊等,讓小朋友輕鬆愉快地有效掌握英語拼音的竅門,對串字、默書、會話和閱讀,有莫大的幫助。


Jolly Phonics is a popular, award-winning phonics programme tailor-made for young children. This multi-sensory program takes children step by step through the phonetic sounds of the English language through a systematic approach that is fun, motivating and a rewarding learning experience. Phonics is an important tool to equip children with as they learn English, helping facilitate their reading, writing and speaking skills throughout their academic life. 


學費:每期10堂,小組班每小時$220-250,須另購Jolly Phonics課本。



~~ 如欲查詢上課時段,歡迎致電67192939與我們聯絡 ~~


Our native English teachers are experienced, qualified ESL instructors who can deliver high-quality instruction in the Jolly method. Our small class size means individual attention is given to students so they may benefit fully from the Jolly syllabus, guaranteeing an effective way to achieve English literacy with results that are immediate and long-lasting. 














Our course is offered at the K1-K2 & K3-P1 levels. For K1-K2, students learn to recognise and form the 26 alphabet sounds through speech and writing. K3-P1 students learn the complete 42 sounds used in the English language, with an emphasis on blending sounds to form words (to help with reading) and identifying sounds in words (to help with spelling). The Finger Phonics” textbooks are used extensively in conjunction with the “Jolly Phonics Student Workbooks”, to provide an engaging and complete learning experience.

